Alumni Activities

MES MUN 2024-25:

MES Kishore Kendra Public School hosted inter school MESMUN on July 5-6, 2024. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Babu Padmanabhan, Member- Mysore Education Society. MESMUN had four committees namely UNGA, UNICEF, UNSC, and AIPPM. The event was guided and supported by our Alumni who were the Chairpersons of the committees. Anthony Claret School, Devin Learning Academy, Regency Public School and BGS School participated in the event. Our young Delegates took part in an engaging MUN session as delegates of different countries, debating issues of international importance, as representatives of various nations and lobbied hard for the resolutions and performed to the best of their abilities.

The event was concluded on 6th July, 2024. Best delegate and honourable delegate from each committee were awarded with Trophy and certificate. The best delegation award was bagged by Anthony Claret School.

With an impressive executive board, MESMUN enhanced delegates’ knowledge of international affairs and improved their public speaking skills and interpersonal skills.

MES MUN 2023-24:

Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizens. MESMUN 4.O was conducted on 11th and 12thAugust 2023 to open the door and gather knowledge about how the function and working of UN.

Pre MUN sessions were conducted to give the new participants an overview of the principles and decorum to be maintained throughout the sessions. The event was inaugurated by Prof Raghavendran, CEO Mysore Education Society. MESMUN 4.O had four committees namely UNSC,UNHRC, ECOSOC and AIPPM. The event was guided and supported by our Alumni who were the Chairpersons of the committees. Our young Delegates confidently debated on the given agenda . It inspired the young minds to think innovatively and develop their public speaking skills besides giving them an insight of the working of the actual UN.


TechnoHub 4.0 an Interschool cyber fest was organized on 5th of November 2023. It is the second consecutive year our school is conducting this tech fest to cherish the cyberskills. Students of Grade 8 to 10 had the opportunity to take part in five competitions which included Kode, LanWars- Gaming, Multiverse, Quest and Kryptocode. All the event mentors who volunteered and conducted the events were the Alumni of batch 2019 and2020. Their dedication and commitment out of their busy schedule was remarkable.

Students from ten different schools participated in the events. Every school took part in all the events and showcased their skills and mental abilities. The event was inaugurated by Principal Smt. Champa Devi.Mr. Ashutosh Agrawal, Project leader, Infosys was the Chief Guest of the day. Mr. Agrawalenlightened the students about technology and its importance.

Students were recognised and awarded with individual trophies.

Three Overall championship trophies were also credited to the winning schools.